2002年7月–2007年3月: 博士,药物化学,新加坡国立大学新葡萄3522登录网页版
1998年7月–2001年7月: 硕士,药物化学,上海医药工业研究院化学部, 1994年9月–1998年7月: 工学士,化学制药,沈阳药科大学制药系
2011年6月-至今: 副教授,硕士研究生导师,新葡萄3522登录网页版
2009年11月- 2011年5月: 副研究员,硕士研究生导师,上海医药工业研究院,上海
2008年1月–2010年1月 : 博士后研究,药学,新加坡国立大学,新加坡
2006年7月–2007年12月:博士后研究,药物化学,伊利诺伊理工大学化学系(Illinois Institute of Technology, IIT, Chicago, USA),美国芝加哥
1、 1,3,5-三氮杂-螺[5,5]十一烷类化合物抗肿瘤和抗菌药物的研究
2、 具有抗肿瘤活性的铁离子螯合剂及生物靶向剂的设计、合成和活性评价
3. 抗肿瘤和抗菌药物的研究,我校人才经费,20万,2011.6-2014.6,主持
4. 作用于双靶点的1,3,5-三氮杂-螺[5,5]十一烷,我校自主创新研究基金,4万,2012.1-2013.12,主持
5. 新型三氮杂环壬烷类MRI钆对比剂的设计、合成和性能研究,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师20120142120095,4万,2013.1-2014.12,主持
6. 三氮杂环壬烷类MRI显影药物的设计、合成及肿瘤靶向研究,湖北省自然科学基金2012FFB02418,3万,2013.1-2014.12,主持
美国药学会(AAPS)会员,美国化学会(ACS)会员,Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters杂志审稿人,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry杂志审稿人,Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry杂志审稿人,ARKIVOC journal, EDITORIAL BOARD OF REFEREES,International Journal of Organic Chemistry, Editor board member,国际ISSX会员
1. Zichun Ding; Weicheng Zhou; Xiang Ma*,A facile approach to synthesize 3-(6-Chloro-thiazolo[5,4-b]pyridin-2-ylmethoxy)-2,6-difluoro-benzamide (PC190723),Synlett,23 (7), 1039-1042, 2012.
2. Zichun Ding; Xiang Ma*; Weicheng Zhou, Convenient and Practical Synthesis of 6-Chloro-2-(Chloromethyl)- Thiazolo[5,4-b]Pyridine,Synthetic Communications, 42 (19), 2791-2796, 2012.
3. Xiang Ma*, Guangya Xiang, Chun-Wei Yap, Wai-Keung Chui*, 3D-QSAR Study on dihydro-1,3,5-triazines and their spiro derivatives as DHFR inhibitors by comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA),Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 22 (9), 3194-3197, 2012.
4. Xiang Ma*,Soo-Tong Tan,Chai-Ling Khoo,Hong-May Sim,Lai-Wah Chan,Wai-Keung Chui*,Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of N1-benzyl or N1-benzyloxy-1,6-dihydro-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamines,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 21 (18), 5428-5431, 2011.
5. Xiang Ma,Eric Chun Yong Chan*, On-line Chromatographic Screening of Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors using Immobilized MMP-9 Enzyme Reactor,Journal of Chromatography B.,Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences, 878 (21), 1777-1783, 2010.
6. Xiang Ma*, Wai-Keung Chui*. Antifolate and Antiproliferative Activity of 6,8,10-Triazaspiro[4.5]deca-6,8-Dienes and 1,3,5-Triazaspiro[5.5]undeca-1,3-Dienes.Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry,2010, 18, 737-743.
7. Xiang Ma, Eric Chun Yong Chan*. Fluorescence-Based Liver Microsomal Assay for Screening of Pharmaceutical Reactive Metabolites using Glutathione Conjugated 96-Well Plate.Bioconjugate Chem. 2010, 21 (2), 46-55.
8. Xiang Ma*, Renee Ser-Peng Woon, Paul Chi-Lui Ho and Wai-Keung Chui*. Antiproliferative Activity against MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells by Diamino-Triaza spirodiene Antifolates.Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 2009, 74, 322-326.
9. Xiang Ma*, Thong-Yuen Poona, Peter TH Wong and Wai-Keung Chui*.Synthesis andin vitroEvaluation of 2,4-Diamino-1,3,5-Triazines Derivatives as Neuronal Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Blockers.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2009, 19, 5644-5647. (SCI, IF 2.6)
10. Ma Xiang*, Zhou Weicheng,* Brun Reto. Synthesis, in vitro antitrypanomal and antibacterial activity of phenoxy, phenylthio or benzyloxy substituted quinolones.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2009, 19, 986-989.
11. Hyun-Soon Chong*, Hyun A Song, Xiang Ma, Sooyoun Lim, Xiang Sun and Santosh Mhaske. Bile acid-based polyaminocarboxylate conjugates as targeted antitumor agents.Chemical Communication, 2009,21: 3011-3.
12. Hyun-Soon Chong*, Xiang Ma, Thien Le, Baidoo Kwame na, Diane E. Milenic, Erik D. Brady, Hyun A. Song, Martin W. Brechbiel. Rational Design and Generation of a Bimodal Bifunctional Ligand for Antibody-Targeted Radiation Cancer Therapy.J. Med. Chem.2008, 51, 118–125.
13. Hyun-Soon Chong*, Xiang Ma, Haisung Lee, Phuong Bui, Hyun A. Song, Noah Birch. Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Polyaminocarboxylate-Based Antitumor Agents.J. Med. Chem.2008, 51, 2208–2215.
14. Hyun-Soon Chong,*, Hyun A. Song, Xiang Ma, Diane E. Milenic, Erik D. Brady, Sooyoun Lim, Haisung Lee, Kwamena Baidoo, Dengfeng Cheng, Martin W. Brechbiel. Novel Bimodal Bifunctional Ligands for Radioimmunotherapy and Targeted MRI.Bioconjugate Chemistry 2008, 19, 1439-1447.
15. Hyun-Soon Chong,* Hyun A. Song, Noah Birch, Thien Le, Sooyoun Lim, Xiang Ma. Efficient synthesis and evaluation of bimodal ligand NETA.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2008, 18, 3436-3439.
16. Hyun-Soon Chong,* Hyun A. Song, Sooyoun Lim, Keith Macrenaris, Xiang Ma, Haisung Lee, Phuong Buia and Thomas Meade. A novel cholic acid-based contrast enhancement agent for targeted MRI.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2008, 18, 2505–2508.
17. Kong Kah-Hoe, Chen Yu, Ma Xiang, Chui Wai Keung, Lam Yulin*. Traceless solid-phase synthesis of nitrogen-containing heterocycles and their biological evaluations as inhibitors of neuronal sodium channels.Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2004, 6(6), 928-933.
e-mail: xiangma@hust.edu.cn